Saturday, January 19, 2013

India: Part Three

After staying at Sri Ramana's ashram (see below), we moved onto Auroville, just north of Pondicherry. Auroville is an "experimental" township where people from all over the world come and live a spiritual, peaceful, and progressive life together. In the middle of this town is this big gold ball (!) called the Matrimandir where Aurovillians go and meditate.

We got to ride some cool bikes

And they had great horns!

We slept under mosquito nets

 One day, we visited Pondicherry and saw an Elephant outside a Ganesh temple

We fed her too!

On our last day in India, we went to Chennai and met up with some friends. We dipped our toes in the Bay of Bengal. It was super warm!

And at the end of our journey, we said goodbye to Baba's hat!

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